In the last decades, efforts to save the species by protection agencies and organizations were put into effect too late, and when the Northern white rhino was already in demise.
The number of rhinos first plummeted across Africa during colonial-era mass hunting, and habitat was turned over for agriculture, livestock, plantations and urban developments. The poaching crisis in the 70s and 80s was fuelled by a demand for Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yemeni dagger handles, and this is when Northern white rhinos and black rhinos became extinct in Uganda under Idi Amin, and in the Central African Republic, Sudan and Chad.
Ami Vitale is a National Geographic photographer who was the last photographer to shoot Sudan. She met Sudan nine years ago when he was at a zoo in the Czech Republic, in the thick of pollution and humanity. Vitale said she thought it was so unfair that the rhino had survived thousands of years, but that he could not survive humans.
Vitale says that she had mainly focused on human tragedies, but that when she
The tragic demise of the Northern white rhino is a reminder that the future of nature is the future of all humans. The extinction of a species has repercussions on other animals and humanity. We can stop the same fate from happening to the Northern white rhino’s cousins: the Javan and Sumatran rhinos.
According to the WWF, these remaining rhino populations are dangerously small. The WWF is helping to strengthen anti-poaching efforts, monitoring the illegal trade of rhino horns, and promoting controlled and sustainable logging to help manage protected areas.
Strict protection of rhinos, and creating a sense of ownership in the local people, offer the most hope for the survival of all wildlife.
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